“The Words of The Lord Create Power”
The spirit of the “Soul” must awake, become motivated to come forth and create powerful Thoughts, Words of Love, Hope, Guidance, and Action. The words spoken to Our Lord, Jesus Christ in prayer should ask of him to act upon them. Nothing happens unless you have the “Faith,” “Belief” and the “Knowing” that Our Lord, hears every prayer and will answer those whose “Words of Prayer,” come directly from the “Heart.”
Our World: all “People,” regardless of our wealth, how poor we may be, skin color, race, creed, religion, how or where we live, or the “Job” we may have, God created us all equal in his eyes. We are all equal in this life and how we want to live it. It all goes back to God’s creation of this world and everything within it. God is overseeing his creation, and Our Heavenly Father wants each and every one of us to grow in Spirit, Love, and truly become “Children of God.” No Hatred, no Jealousy, and no Conspiring against one another, or Groups! Just “Truth,” within us, Love for all our brothers & sisters in this world, helping one another to get through this “Physical Life,” that we have been “Born” into. By doing this, following God’s Commandments, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, believing in him and thus accepting the knowledge that we were born into this world with “Sin” on our Souls! “We must Be Born Again in Jesus Christ,” ask for our sins to be forgiven no matter how terrible they may be, pray that our Soul be healed from the scars of those sins and knowing that we have the knowledge of the words of Jesus Christ that “He who believeth in me shall have Life Everlasting”! Let Christ be with you in all the paths that your day brings forth for you and for all the people in this world. All who visit our website are always included in our daily prayers!