Pretty point of lay hens available. Breeds include mottled leghorns, white leghorn, speckled maran, bluebell, blue partridge, lavender splash, lohman brown, black tail. Vorwerk, Brahmas, lakenvelder, silver sussex, coucou des Rennes, emerald blues, exchequer leghorn trio, Devon bronze, Devon blue, Houdans, Ambers, plus lots more. Prices start from £25 Bantam breeds available - silkies and pekins Dark brown, brown and...
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Lucy |
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13 days ago |
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Pretty point of lay hens available. Breeds include mottled leghorns, white leghorn, speckled maran, bluebell, blue partridge, lavender splash, lohman brown, black tail. Vorwerk, Brahmas, lakenvelder,
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Wimborne, Dorset |